Vinpower Digital is proud to offer the latest line in the Optical Quantum recordable Blu-ray media:  50GB 6x BD-R DL

Vinpower Digital is proud to offer the latest line in the Optical Quantum recordable Blu-ray media: 50GB 6x BD-R DL

Storing critical data on flash or magnetic memory is not only risky, but far more costly than preserving that data on an optical disc, especially if one uses the new Optical Quantum 50GB 6x BD-R DL media. If you compare the two, flash and magnetic memory such as USB drives or hard drives can be overwritten, corrupted or erased, causing the user to lose critical data/content. Using high quality write once optical discs provides a safety net against these disasters as the data cannot be overwritten and once properly burned, will remain intact for a long, long time! Plus, if you compare the price per byte for an optical disc compared to the flash or magnetic memory, then the optical disc, even the high capacity Blu-ray, are far cheaper. To fully back-up a 500GB HDD, it would require only 10 of the 50GB BD-R DL discs. That is a small price to pay for a great deal of security.

Optical Quantum offers a full series of GLOSSY inkjet printable media

Optical Quantum offers a full series of GLOSSY inkjet printable media

Often users prefer the higher priced full color thermal printing over inkjet dues to the perceived greater vibrancy of the color. This gives the impression of a more professional appearance and more appropriate for distribution. Far too often the inkjet media is flat and doesn’t have the same pop. Now Optical Quantum has created a true glossy inkjet media that gives a brilliant image comparable to far more expensive printing options at a fraction of the price. Contact Vinpower Digital or your media supplier today for more information on these remarkable new glossy inkjet printable discs.

Optical Quantum™ Rewritable (RE) Blu-ray Media

Optical Quantum™ Rewritable (RE) Blu-ray Media

Optical Quantum now offers rewritable blu-ray media (BD-RE) with the same quality and compatibility as our popular write once Blu-ray media. BD-RE media is gaining in popularity and use as users find it far more convenient and affordable to re-record data or video content that is continuously being updated rather than use a new disc each time. Since Blu-ray discs can hold over 5 times more capacity than a standard DVD, it allows users who wish to produce hi-def video or back-up large amounts of data the ability to use a single disc instead of multiple discs. If that content has the potential to change and be extended or overwritten for any reason, rewritable discs make more financial sense than wasting write once only discs. Plus reusing means there’s less wasted discs thrown in the trash, so it is better for the environment as well.